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United Kingdom

From our brewery in the heart of Windsor, we’ve been bringing brands to life for over three decades.
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Overlooking a charming canal (where doesn't in downtown Amsterdam?), our offices are a mere stone’s throw from the iconic Rijksmuseum.
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United States

With our talent spread from East to West coasts, 1HQ United States is home to some of brightest strategic and creative minds in North America.
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Close to the action and the water of Marina Bay, our office is based in the very heart of this culturally diverse and vibrant city-state.

The people behind Strepsils had big ambitions to build on its position as a leading brand in the mild to moderate segment of the throat care category. In short, they wanted to rule the world.

With this bold aim in mind, 1HQ was briefed to create a new global brand identity and architecture as a platform for geographical expansion and new product development.

What was the challenge?

In the past, different rates of development across the various international markets had led to a fragmented visual identity.

To address this lack of coherence, we needed to create an all-embracing global brand identity and architecture that would improve understanding of the product portfolio and drive growth across adjacent market segments and new geographies.

What was our thinking?

Our initial brand equity analysis and review of the global product portfolio and throat care market identified a key opportunity for Strepsils.

Consumers engaging with the category were suffering with symptoms that had a surprisingly wide range of severity. That was the simple insight we needed to take giant steps forward.

What did we do?

Moving quickly to stay one step ahead of competitors, we set about creating a new needs-based architecture, covering the complete range of symptoms.

We created a new logotype for all brand name variants and executed this across product variants within over 50 markets. We developed a clear hierarchy for the brand and sub-brands with designs and on-pack claims that answered every need.

What did we achieve?

World domination? Well, yes, kind of.

Our work helped Strepsils consolidate its leadership position in the market with new formats and flavours filling existing gaps in the range. This led to impressive growth of 7% the following year.

We didn’t stop there. Further capitalising on our thinking, new products were developed and launched within both the severe and unlicensed segments. As part of this initiative, the new Streps Herbals range achieved significant share in the growing Asia Pacific region.

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